Networking: Do you enjoy it or avoid it?

Have you ever noticed that when you attend networking events, (if you attend them at all), that you’ll see two different groups of people. The first group will stand around all evening with the friends that they came with, enjoying drinks and appetizers. Then the second group will move out and mingle with as many people as they can, passing out and collecting business cards.

Actually, there’s a third group of people. These are the people who hate networking events and avoid them like the plague.

I happen to be someone who loves face to face networking. To me, there’s nothing like that personal touch. I enjoy listening to everyone’s stories, making new friends and building relationships. In fact, I’m one of these people who will arrive at a networking event about 15 minutes before it actually begins, just to quietly settle in and get the feel of the room.

For those of you who avoid networking events altogether, you may feel more comfortable with social networking which you can do in the privacy of your own home. Whichever category you fall into really doesn’t matter. What matters most is that you are engaging in what makes you feel most comfortable when it comes to building up your business.

Between face to face networking, social networking, answering the many emails you receive in a day, and returning phone calls, I’ve come to one conclusion. Don’t you think we all need 48 hours in our